Friday, June 02, 2006


I can see you standing in the rain. Holding a telephone without a cord.
You were searching for something you lost, a photograph in a crowd. Shadows passed by left and right, all you knew was not in sight, there you were...alone.

The skys above seemed to sing your name. A life kept inside a fancy picture frame. We never saw you again, but we always heard your name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe,

I've been enjoying reading your poems. We've got to chat on MSN to disscus them sometime. I thought maybe you'd want to read one of my poems. There is a link below, but it might not work to click on. If you're interested, just copy it into your address line. Let me know what you think.

I'd also like to propose a few creative challenges to you if your interested. I know these "chalenges" have greatly enhanced my creativity.

Until next time,
