Friday, January 27, 2006

Remember me

Remember me as I am,
my image etched in stone,
outlining the vast caves of your memory.

Remember love's warm embrace
on harsh winter nights.
Remember soft, gentle whispers,
and the lies you let slip by.

Let not one night's trechery
ruin a life's accumulation of love.
Remember me for my ambition,
for the things I cannot say,
for the plan I cannot write down.

Remember me in triumphant glory,
lest I should wallow in defeat.
For the love we shared,
I did not die alone.

Forever shall I be comforted
by the memory of your face,
looking back at me,
as I faded away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Leaving you with the first tell you how amazing you are and how you are a great writer with much potential!

luv you.